Introducing: The Business Harmony Reset...
Special Offer
Do you jump out of bed in the morning, eager to start the day,
Or does the idea of yet another round of troubleshooting, dealing with setbacks, delays, disappointments, and difficult clients fill you with dread?
If you are dreading the day, your business is not the problem: you are!
How to get out of your own way
Your business and your clients (or lack of them) are only a reflection of what is going on inside you.
Whatever you believe about you and your worth will always be projected through the filter of that lens onto the big screen of what’s “out there”.
Ever wondered about those folks who seem to be doing all the “wrong” things and getting the results they want?
And yet, here you are, doing all the “right” things, and still struggling to get the outcomes you desire.
Amazing feedback
"In just a few short weeks I have developed an effective way of working, without the fear of burning out again. I have gained structure and learned how to set reasonable goals and as a result, my confidence has grown greatly."
Dorrit karlsen
It’s not your fault. From as long as you can remember, you have been taught that you have to fix the problems “out there”, and that you can’t start living the life you desire until you get through those problems!!
It feels like you can only start living at the other side of those problems!
But here’s the thing; although those problems appear to be “out there”, they are just the symptoms of something going on in you, and while you focus on the problems, the more problems will create to deal with.
You are setting yourself up for a never-ending struggle!
And the life you desire is always being held away from you while you work on generating more problems to solve!
What’s the alternative?
The “problem” and the “solution to the problem” are created at the same time -and they are both created by you.
By the same universal law of focus.
What if you could be persuaded to take your focus away from the problem long enough to focus on the solution?
You would get more solutions.
Sounds simple, but most people don’t do it because they are so convinced that the gateway to the solution is to first “deal with” the problems.
How do I know?
Because I have been there!
I put my life and happiness on hold for 12 years because I was telling myself
“When I just get this piece of the puzzle sorted out, or I just deal with this big mess, or when I get my head above water.......I will start living a wonderful life.”
But every time I got close to fixing the problems, something else would appear for me to deal with. Life seemed to be happening to me, and I couldn’t see that every challenge was being created by me. I was stuck in “problem creation” mode.
If you are struggling with getting your business to work for you, or suffering from burn-out, or even at the end of your tether, then you are in “problem creation” mode.
You are trying so hard, but your energy is focused in the wrong place.
You have, literally, got the wrong end of the stick!
You tell yourself “No matter how hard I try and how long I work, there are always more problems to fix. It’s exhausting and soul-destroying.”
“I can’t see an end to it, and I can’t see a way out.”
There is a way out, and that way out is the way of ease and joy and the path of least resistance.
I described myself as “depressed”, but my mind and body were crying out for “deep rest”. They were exhausted from the struggle.
I had no fight left.
When I reached that point, I had to let go of battling against the “problems”.
It felt like “giving up”.
In fact, the way forward was “giving in” – going in to find the answers I had been searching for “out there”. The answers had been available to me all along.
That is when everything changed for me.
When I discovered the source of my inner knowing, and I learned to tap into my inner resources, and discovered that it was all available to me; I just had to learn how to ask myself and to trust myself.
Then came the deep peace at the end of the struggle.
Are you tired of the struggle?
Does the work you once loved now feel like spinning dozens of plates all at once – and you are frightened to stop in case it all comes crashing down?
Here’s the truth, if you are ready to receive it: it’s not supposed to be so hard!
What if it were easy?
What if you could create the work you love and the outcomes you desire, just by re-aligning with your vision?
What if everything that happened “out there” could change as quickly as clearing the lens through which you see them?
Want to know the secret of those guys who seem to effortlessly create what they want, even when they seem to be doing all the “wrong” things?
Here’s their secret: their intention is aligned with their vision – and it doesn’t waiver until they bring that vision into existence.
They do not change their vision with every new idea that pops into their head.
They do not change their vision because their brother or some guy they meet on the street says “it will never work”.
They do not compromise their vision for something “less than” that they don’t want so much, but that they think might be easier or faster to achieve.
They do not adjust their vision to match the vision of someone else.
They do not offer up a smorgasbord of visions and decide to be content with whichever one shows up- like the third prize in a lottery!
They stay faithful to their vision until the image in their mind becomes the reality in their experience.
And that’s all there is to it!
Everything is available to you when you consciously set your intention to align with what you really want.
Notice the temptation to compromise “what you really want” with “what someone else thinks is possible for you” or with “something cheaper or easier for the Universe to bring for you”
Guilty of that?
Did you decide to settle for something else or something different because you think you are being “nice” or “less greedy” or “easy to please”?
The universe does not judge what you want, but it brings you what you decide you want.
How can it bring you what you want if you confuse “what you want” with “what you think you should want” or “whatever you think might be easier to achieve”?
Talk about sending out mixed messages!
That is the root of your disconnection from you.
Mixed messages are creating the “problem” symptoms you are creating: the discord, discontent, dissatisfaction and distress.
And here’s your choice:
keep running around trying to fix the movie projected on the screen,
Take just 5 days to clear the lens?
Let me introduce to...
A Five-Step program to put you back in the driving seat.
Remember what you really want. Your vision. There was a point when you saw everything exactly how you wanted it, but somehow, somewhere, you lost sight of that vision. You may have compromised your vision and made it smaller, or adjusted your vision for the benefit of others. The act of re-membering is a powerful one. It helps to choose again, and stay faithful until your vision is brought to life..
Reconnect to you. Give Yourself Permission to have exactly what you want. Who taught you to judge your vision as too big, not achievable, not for you? Why do you value their opinion over your own? The only reason you need in order to have your vision is “that you want it”.
Refresh It’s all in you. Learn how to ask yourself and re-discover how to tap into your infinite resources of creativity. Get fresh ideas, overcome obstacles; receive the answers you need in any situation.
Resolve Focus on the vision. Live in the vision. Inspiration: Breathe it in. By setting your sights on the goal, you can stay motivated and dedicated to making it a reality. Maintain a positive mindset and be mindful of the steps you need to take to make your vision come true. As you draw inspiration and motivation from your imagination, you can progress towards achieving it
Rediscover the joy in your business. Infinite expansion. Be open to more. What’s next? What else is available for me? Once you understand what you want and what’s possible, you can begin to take action and make your ideas a reality. With some creativity and courage, you will be well on your way to discovering the joy in your business.
Amazing feedback
"I have been stuck in the hamster wheel for a while he gently released things I wasn't aware of as well as some I thought I'd previously released. Enrico has such a beautiful way of working. I feel calmer, lighter & unstuck."
Lisa Bowen
We meet for the one-to-one Harmony sessions on Zoom over a period of 5 days, Monday to Friday, at the same time each day, time to be derrermined.
Before the first session on Day 1, you will receive an enjoyable 10-point questionnaire.
This is designed to be an enjoyable experience of self-reflection and will help you prepare for the sessions, so that you can derive maximum benefit from our time together.
intensive and immersive
I built a highly successful coaching business guiding others to achieve business success. I was earning six figures and loving life; until one day I realised that the love had gone.
Instead of joy, my business had become a chore and the more I tried to fix it – working long hours, giving up my home life, running around trying to keep everybody happy - the less happy I felt and the more work I got to fix!
My business was running me.
It took 12 years of trying to work it out, trying to understand what was going wrong, what was missing, what I had to do to fix it until, eventually, I burnt out.I got to the point where it looked like I would have to give up.
Until I was brought to the point where I realised that it wasn’t possible to give up – but I had to give in!
That point of surrender is where I was able to let go of all the well-meaning advice, the frustration, the disappointment, the empty promises – my belief that the solution was “out there” somewhere.
It was at that point that I was able to discover that I already had all the information in me. The knowledge and the solutions had been there all along, but I had never been shown how to access them.
I don’t want you to spend 12 years searching.
So, I devised this whole process to help you find the way back to harmony -to reconnect to yourself and your business success and get back on track with ease and joy.
The whole program can be completed in a week if you are ready to surrender to it; that is- if you are willing to receive the knowledge.
We begin by exposing the illusion of “out there”, so that you can see that it is all just a reflection of you and what you believe.
When you are able to see how and where you are creating what you don’t want, you begin taking back your power to create what you do want.
Harmony in your business is a reflection of connection to yourself.
We use tools to strengthen that connection. One of the most powerful tools is sound, and the power of the human voice.
The voice can heal and soothe and ask, but it also has the power to destroy.
A voice can mean well but still shatter your confidence, and break your connection to you. We look at the voices that are still running in your mind, unchallenged.
We replace those undermined us with voices of love, encouragement and enablement.
I am a coach and business consultant who works with individuals, couples and teams, by using sound energy of the voice to re-align disconnection and discord, to realign discord into balance and harmony.
You can be unstoppable too
"The intensive was truly an eye-opening study of what I was accomplishing throughout my daily activities. His time-blocking schedule helped me complete my tasks for the day without the stress of interruptions that would normally take away my focus"
Terri Wilmot-Rock
My business has been running out of alignment for over 5 years. How long will it take to turn it around?
Harmony work can happen instantly. In fact, clients express how they can feel the shift as they do the work and listen to the tonings. The only thing that delays the process is your resistance, so “giving in” or “surrendering” is key.
How do I prepare for the work?
There is nothing specific to do, except fill in the Questionnaire and share it with me before the first session. This is designed for you, so it’s not like a test or an exam. It helps you to start asking yourself for answers.
How do I access the calls?
You will receive a link to join the Zoom calls.,
What happens when I sign up?
Iwill email you all the details on joining the calls.
What happens if I miss a day?
It is an intensive and very immersive programme. You get the total value, when you participate and engage fully in the programme.
Is there much homework?
I like to call it home fun. Allow at least 60 minutes a day to get the most out of the programme.
The original Return to Harmony program was designed as a 12-week group intensive.
However, this version allows you to get started, whenever there is a timeslot available, and start reaping the benefits straightaway.
This “Fast Track to Harmony” package is for anyone who wants to get access to all the knowledge first-hand by working one-on-one with me directly.
In 5 days, you will discover the importance of staying faithful to your intentions and identify where you have allowed distraction, compromise and the opinions of others to sabotage your progress and your prosperity. You will experience the power of sound energy to bring you into alignment with your purpose and re-create resonance with your business and the clients you attract.
This is my signature program which brings together my life’s work and an introduction to the power of sound. I don’t know how long I can hold it at this price, but it is my express desire that those who are looking for this knowledge will find it.
I am holding the price is at £1295 until the end of April.
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