[op_advanced_headline style="1" effect="type" align="left" accent="#000000" headline_tag="h1" line_height="" highlight="" top_margin="0" bottom_margin="0" font_size="60" font_font="Shadows Into Light" font_color="#22286a"]RW5lcmd5IHdvcmsgV2l0aCBFbnJpY28=[/op_advanced_headline]
Energetic Clearing of Stuck Emotions Session
The Energetic Clearing session is ideal for people who feel incredibly frustrated. You have tried every tools in your arsenal. You feel drained and at a loss.
You seem to go round and round in circle and still can't see the results you want. Certainly not in line with the amount of time & effort you are putting in. You have known for some time that you have a blockage & can't uncover it!
Maybe it is time to enlist outside help.
So, practically speaking, what does the programme look like
- 45 minutes session
- A series of questions that will reveal where blockages are
- Ligthness and peace afterward
- And much more
The investment is £99.00 as intro offer Ready to re-energise and unstuck yourself? Click here to apply for your session!
[op_testimonial_slider testimonial_title_font_size="20" testimonial_title_font_font="Shadows Into Light" testimonial_title_font_color="#b6b172" font_size="20" font_font="The Girl Next Door" font_style="italic" font_color="#b6b1720" style="6" animation_type="default" animation_loop="n" slideshow_autostart="y" animation_speed="700" slideshow_speed="7000" title="What My Clients Have to Say" subtitle="" title_color="#22286a" background_color="#abafdc" columns="1"][op_testimonial_slide title="Agueda Burgos Ruiz" company="Agueda Burgos Energy Healing" image="https://enricomassani.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Agueda-Burgos.png" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]I am so grateful with Enrico, he allowed me to see my truth essence and what I am here to do: empowering people through love, facilitating the healing of their physical and emotional pain. There are no words to tell you how grateful I am.[/op_testimonial_slide][op_testimonial_slide title="Kate Thomson" company="" image="https://enricomassani.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Kate-Thomson.png" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]Enrico is all heart and soul. I can't recommend working with him enough. He has helped me so much, in so many ways. It is rare to meet such a gem of a person, who has the ability to communicate in a way that just makes total sense.[/op_testimonial_slide][op_testimonial_slide title="Helga Jensdottir" company="Serenity EFT" image="https://enricomassani.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Helgo-Jensdottir.png" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]Enrico is a genius at helping you align with who you really are and what your unique message is. He coaches you at such a high level, I can highly recommend him.
Also check out his new book The joy of connection! It will speak to you in a very powerful way.[/op_testimonial_slide][op_testimonial_slide title="Lisa Bowen" company="Elisi Therapies" image="https://enricomassani.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Lisa-Bowen.jpg" button_color="#4881F5" button_text="Read story" href="" header_color="#00b7e2" background_color="" columns="1" ]I had the most beautiful session with Enrico today. I have beeen stuck for a while & he gently released things I wasn't aware of as well as some I thought I'd previously released. Enrico has such a beautiful way of working & I highly recommend a session or two with him & am looking forward to working with him in the very near future. Thank you Enrico, I feel calmer, lighter & unstuck[/op_testimonial_slide][/op_testimonial_slider]